Animal Jam Quilted Blanket


I finally finished Greely's story! Don't worry though, i will be starting and completing tons of stories these days, so be sure to check back in! :D

Animal Jam Quilted Blanket Cover

Welcome to the Animal Jam Jewel created by Sweetpanda56789 with the help of Kinyonga, Pandahearn and Cloudclaws. Either of these jammers posts regularly. Here you can find tips and tricks about Jamaa. Have a look at the daily posts made by the Jewel Jammers. You can even look at the pages. This blog has been created for all of you jammers to enjoy.

Cotton Quilted Blankets

Haha, now me and my fellow southern hemisphere friends can celebrate the winter spirit! :D
You know, it's a bit like the old blanket except it's more patchy. I like the patches though, they look arty. :3
And the best thing is that nonmembers can finally have another item to keep them all warm and comfy! I hope AJHQ can up up with some patched, nonmember winter shoes. ^.^
Animal Jam Quilted Blanket
Yay science! :D
Hmm . . I can't really think about a crystal i can see everyday. What about you? ^o^
Sadly, that's all for today since i have very little time. Here's a fun mini-contest though!
Comment on the location of this item!
Hello Jammers! Today's new item is the Quilted Blanket! These cosy items can be purchased in The Hot Cocoa Hut catalog,for 450 gems!
Meanwhile over on the Daily Explorer there is brand new post all about the newest den,the Crystal Palace!

How To Make A Quilted Blanket

Meanwhile,Animal Jam have released Paper toys! You can click here to learn more about these super fun and easy to make instructions!
That's about it for today's post,so be sure to check back tomorrow for some more AJ news! Jam On!

Animal Jam Rare Quilted Blanket

Click the image above to learn more about me!

Quilted Throw Blanket

I you want to email me something or have any questions send them to: