Animal Jam Join


Animal Jam is an online virtual playground for children who love animals and the outdoors. Collaboration between Smart Bomb Interactive and National Geographic Global. How do I cancel a recurring membership? How do I contact Animal Jam HQ? Why am I being billed after the membership term has ended? How do I access my Parent Account? If you have questions that aren't addressed in our Help Section, please submit a request, and we will get back to you shortly. Join a Vocabulary Jam!-Enter the code given by the host to join a jam! Don't have a code? Ask your teacher! Or, find a list and start your own Jam!


Give the perfect gift. Our membership certificates gives your Jammer access to all the coolest “member-only” features, awesome accessories, epic dens and den items, and adorable pets!

As an added perk, each certificate comes with a diamond bonus! That can be used immediately to buy exclusive Diamond Shop items.

Give the perfect gift. Our membership certificates gives your Jammer access to all the coolest “member-only” features, awesome accessories, epic dens and den items, and adorable pets!

As an added perk, each certificate comes with a diamond bonus! That can be used immediately to buy exclusive Diamond Shop items.


Does your Jammer need more Diamonds to get an exclusive animal, pet, dens, or some epic accessories? Not to worry, our downloadable Diamonds Gift Certificates are just a few clicks away.

Note: Diamond gift certificates do not grant membership. Diamonds do not enable non-members to purchase member-only items in-game.

Does your Jammer need more Diamonds to get an exclusive animal, pet, dens, or some epic accessories? Not to worry, our downloadable Diamonds Gift Certificates are just a few clicks away.

Note: Diamond gift certificates do not grant membership. Diamonds do not enable non-members to purchase member-only items in-game.



Animal Jam Store

Does your Jammer need more gems to get their favorite Animal Jam accessories, dens, or pets? Pick up one of our exclusive, downloadable Gem Gift Certificates!

Animal Jam Join The Club

Note: Gem gift certificates do not grant membership. Gems do not enable non-members to purchase member-only items in-game.

Does your Jammer need more gems to get their favorite Animal Jam accessories, dens, or pets? Pick up one of our exclusive, downloadable Gem Gift Certificates!

Note: Gem gift certificates do not grant membership. Gems do not enable non-members to purchase member-only items in-game.

When someone pays for a membership, they own that membership! When that membership is applied to an account, the person that bought the membership now owns your account. You may argue that the jammer who created the account owns the account, but then how would parents change their parent account email? You need a membership to prove your ownership of an account.

So if you used a membership bought by someone else...

They own your account.

Animal Jam Join My Clan

That doesn't mean they will do anything bad with it! Lots of very nice people give membership codes away. But just as many not-so-well-meaning people give them away as well. Do you know of well known jammers who have had their accounts 'removed from their parent account' or 'stolen' from them? That's because they accepted a membership from another player.

Sadly, without AJHQ's permission and assistance, we won't be able to provide free membership code giveaways.

Animal Jam Join My Clan

However! Animal Jam has recently introduced two ways to obtain a free membership, which we’ve written about here.