Animal Jam Jamaaliday Rescue


I only got like 8 mins to post, so this has to be quick. D:
So it's probably gonna be uninteresting/rushed/just plain bad. ;-;
But anyways, today gift was a diamond again but the actual gift is the anemone headbow. ^o^

Animal Jam Academy is a free resource library housing fun, immersive educational content as it relates to science, technology, engineering & art.

Pretty much everyone loves this item, including me. xD
I already have a tan-brown version of it, but . .
It's good to have new colors with items like these. c:
Also, people are saying the diamonds are member so i decided to check it out for myself on my storage and . .
Woooow. -.-
The actual new item is the Round Ornament! ^-^
I love this item though, especially that rainbow colored version. c: You can now decorate you giant Jamaaliday tree! (yay i said Jamaaliday instead of Christmas, but i just said Christmas then.)
*searches around for jamaa calendar but can't find it.* Im such a nub. ;-;
Credit goes to the Animal Jam Spirit, because im a nub.
What sort of new challenges will the Jamaaliday Rescue have?
Will it be a normal land adventure, an underwater one or a pet one? What do you think about the adventure?
I guess that's all for now. The post didn't turn out to be TOO bad but still . . o-o
Hey guys! c:
*goes on the AJ*
Animal jam jamaaliday rescue cheats
Is that . .
FINALLYYY! I was super bored of that old one. I also just noticed that the border-thingies surrounding the player login are wooden. They used to be some sort of old cloth thingy before but now it looks WAY better in wood. :3
I wonder if they have new loading pages too! :D

Animal Jam Jamaaliday Rescue Glitch

Oh well. Back to the gift now! :3
I remember these from last year. I thought it was real candy cane and tried to eat it (but not literally)

Animal Jam Play

*looks at the clothing shop*
This is one of my favorite items now! :D
It may not be the cheapest, but it's NONMEMBER! c:
Anyways, as many of you have noticed, the Jamaaliday Rescue is *finally* here! ^.^
I was expecting this to be a different adventure, but it's just like the corn maze. :I
Basically, the phantoms (because it's ALWAYS the phantoms) stole all the treasure, and in your way to the center you must collect as many as you can. I'll be doing a video of the adventure soon. :3
What to do think of the new adventure?

EDIT: Since ANON has decided to comment again (-.-) I have had to put comment moderation on, so if there's any new comments it might not show, however it'll get accepted and will show soon. :3 (unless if you're anon)