Animal Jam Zios Balloon


  1. Animal Jam Zios Mask Worth
  2. Animal Jam Zios Balloon Center
  3. Animal Jam Zios Sculpture
  4. Animal Jam Zios Balloon Shop

There is a journey book to be completed for each area in Animal Jam. In order to complete the journey books, you must find all of the animals and other items in the area. This can be difficult if you don’t know what to look for. That’s why I’ve created guides for each area in Jamaa.

Below you’ll find cheats for every journey book for where to find each item. Some animals may be hiding so you have to wait for them to come out. Here is where you can find all of the items for the land and ocean areas.

  1. Balloosh is the newest land area in Animal Jam which is based on a swamp environment. Along with this new area comes a brand new Journey Book page to complete! Below you’ll find a full cheats guide for finding all of the items for the Balloosh Journey Book page.
  2. A beta version of a game means that it is still under development. The company spends time fixing any bugs, glitches, or other issues before the game is released publicly. When the game is officially released, it is known as Alpha. Here are some pictures of Animal Jam during beta testing (these pictures belong to their rightful owners).

Animal Jam Academy is a free resource library housing fun, immersive educational content as it relates to science, technology, engineering & art.

**Update** I just added the full guide for the new Call of the Alphas Journey Book page!


Animal Jam Zios Mask Worth

Land Areas

Ocean Areas

Kani Cove

It is always enjoyable when new items get released in Play Wild. You run off with your animal to the shop that sells those new items, just to check them out, and perhaps even buy them. What would be even more entertaining is if there was a shop that went from location to location, and sell new goods every time it opened shop. Luckily, there is such a thing in PW. Let’s take a look!

Back in June 2017, Arthur was introduced into the game. Arthur is the Traveling Salesman, who happily travels around Jamaa. He was first sighted in Jamaa Township, after which he made his way to Coral Canyons, Crystal Sands and Mt. Shiveer as well. Ever since his introduction, Arthur will travel around Jamaa every few weeks, selling items that can only be found in his shop.

Animal Jam Zios Balloon Center

Arthur the Raccoon

Arthur the Traveling Salesman is a raccoon. He wears a red vest with a matching red fez. Both apparel items have yellow/gold details on them. Arthur takes his wooden cart and travels to all kinds of different places, selling his goods. Within his cart, you find a book, which is clickable. If you click on it, the shop menu will open. You will find items that you might have seen in other shops in Jamaa. However, the color schemes are different, only found in Arthur’s shop.

Where is the Traveling Salesman Shop?

As mentioned above, Arthur only stays at a particular location for a few weeks. After that, he travels to another location, setting up shop there. The Traveling Salesman Shop keeps changing its items for sale as well. There are usually a combination of members and non-members items for sale. Obviously, you will need a membership to be able to buy the members-only items.

Current Location of the Traveling Salesman Shop in Play Wild

The Traveling Salesman is currently located in Mt. Shiveer. He has been there since September 17, 2018. Usually, Arthur stays in one location for about two weeks, after which he moves on to the next location. You still have a chance to catch him and purchase the items he is selling.

Currently, the shop has six non-members items and three members-only items for sale. The non-members items are the Submarine Hat, Sun Balloon, Moon Balloon, Sun Hat, Google Eye Glasses and Phantom Necklace. You can see what these items look like in the picture below.

The members-only items for sale are the Golden Acorn Hat, Golden Acorn Necklace and the Golden Acorn Shoes. As you can see, there is a certain theme to the items. In the picture below, you can see what the members-only items look like.

Item Value – AJPW Traveling Salesman Shop

Animal Jam Zios Sculpture

Even though the items that are being sold by Arthur are nothing new, there is still some value to them. The difference is, Arthur sells items that have a completely different color scheme. It is not possible to find those items in other shops around Jamaa. Especially the golden members-only items will certainly increase in value over time. I would advise any Jammer to purchase the items that the Traveling Salesman is selling. These items will be great for trading in the future.

Animal Jam Zios Balloon Shop

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