Animal Jam Unicorn Horn


Welcome to the Animal Jam Jewel created by Sweetpanda56789 with the help of Kinyonga, Pandahearn and Cloudclaws. P Introducing you all to the Rare Unicorn Horn.

Meow jammers!
Introducing you all to the Rare Unicorn Horn. :e
Animal Jam Unicorn Horn
Aww. I love this item.
When I'm a member, I'll use one of these in a horse and make it like a unicorn. :P
The colors look like a evil unicorn other than a good one. XD
And guess what, today I tried making up an AJMV.

I don't have much devices on my computer to help me with videos.
I don't even have anything to help me with graphics or edit pictures.
That's why I can't make my blog up the way I want. x3
I don't even know how to give a transparent background to a pic. :P
I know so less about computers. o.o
It might be nice if you can tell me a software to help me with editing pictures and make sure it's free. :P
See ya tomorrow. ^.^

Unicorn Horn Powers