Animal Jam Night Sky Box


Night Sky Box on Sale Now! Celebrate the starry night sky with this season's Animal Jam Box! Order your box today to get exclusive Night Sky Animal Jam goodies delivered straight to your door! Jun 29, 2017  The Phantoms' Secret #2 (Animal Jam) Roberts, Christa on shipping on qualifying offers. The second novel in a fiction series based on the popular online game, Animal Jam, enjoyed by over 65 million users! The brave and intrepid animals' adventures continue as they protect their natural habitat.

Hey everyone! The newest edition of the Jamaa Journal came out yesterday with some pretty big news! The Sky Kingdom den is the newest and biggest den to come to Jamaa yet. Be sure to check it out to see all of the cool stuff it has!

Pet Lions are now available at the Diamond shop too! I’m definitely going to have to get one of these cute little guys! Also Polar Bears are still on their way to Jamaa, not sure when they are officially coming though. Anyone have any guesses?


There’s a new adventure available for all Jammers! It’s called Twists and Turns and it’s a big corn maze that you have to navigate through. Supposedly there is an amazing treasure waiting at the middle of the maze, if you can find it!

Last but not least, check out Jam Mart Furniture to get some new hair salon items for your den! If you’ve ever wanted to open your own salon, here’s your chance! The Ice Armor pieces are on sale at the Diamond Shop too so be sure to stop in there if you’ve been waiting to buy it.

That’s all I’ve got for news for now! Who else is getting excited for polar bears to come?!

Animal Jam Night Sky Box Unity

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