Animal Jam Magenta Tiara


Hey jammers it's iceskating112 here and I will be talking about the magenta necklaces today! Well first of all many jammers love this item as a beta item, they will offer spikes, headdresses, giltched rings, etc. This item was a non member item sold during the beta days, yet now it is back in jam mart stores, so not sure why people would offer so much.Jam

The Tiara is a clothing item worn on the head. It was originally released in the Beta Testing at Jam Mart Clothing for 250 Gems. The Tiaras metal changes variants separate to the gem, which is placed center top to the crown and is the only gem adorning the crown. The item rests upon the wearers head.

Beta Tiaras Animal Jam

The rare one was in the leap year party of 2012 but, did not have its, rare sign till later in that year. These now are not worth much, in my opinion.

Milky Tiara Animal Jam