Animal Jam Lore


LoreHello, lol.

Animal Jam Roleplaying

I've been thinking, especially after reading some comments, that AJ is over doing it with the lore lately. It's Juno this, Juno that, Balloosh this, the Phantoms that, the lands this, and all of that. I think you know what I mean. All AJHQ is doing every update is hinting at a new animal, making new wild weekend items, and coming up with

Click here for Animal Jam Lore, Alphas, Phantoms. Visit Animal Jam Community. Jamaa Lore The Alphas. Previously called 'shamans', Alphas are Jamaa's leaders. They are mentors to their own kind. Each one seems to rule one land, or share one, and each has a vivid personality. Zios and Mira hired them from distantly lands to help Jamaa with. The only higher power that Greely respects is the Sky Mother, Mira. Greely is a powerful warrior against the phantoms in Animal Jam; they fear him most of all, because he is so much like them. He is the link to the darker side of the Animal Jam mythology.

Animal Jam New Lore

new loreAnimal Jam Lore. The lore is interesting once in a while, but not, literally, every update! Couldn't we get something else? Switch it up, AJHQ.

Animal Jam Play Wild

Animal Jam Lore Video

I realized this after reading some comments from Violet, so I know I'm not the only one. Do you agree?