Animal Jam Jamaaliday Socks


Chocolate4froggy's current main animal is a pink flamingo wearing a light pink headdress, pink long spiked collar, pink tutu, and pink Jamaaliday socks. Before flamingoes were introduced to Animal Jam, Froggy's former main animal was a white spring bunny with pink flowers.

  1. Animal Jam Jamaaliday Items
  2. What Is Jamaaliday Bow Worth
  3. Animal Jam Jamaaliday Socks
  4. Animal Jam Black Jamaaliday Socks
  5. Animal Jam Jamaaliday Rescue
Hello, and welcome to another post. :3 (What else could it be?)

Animal Jam Jamaaliday Items

In case you haven't heard on the last post, i have had to put comment moderation on. -.-
Most of you are probably wondering, why am i saying this?
Cuz just a quick reminder - your comments might not appear in the first place, but after i have approved your comment it'll appear under the post. ^-^
Comment moderation will be on for most likely a few days. c:
The gift isss . . .
*tries to eat*
blergh >:c
*Note to self: Do not try to eat any items with the word 'candy cane' in them again*
But it still looks sorta awkward, so i won't be wearing it on my deer . . for now . . maybe?
Im gonna try these on my fox since they have cute small feet and stuff.
Animal jam black jamaaliday socks worth
Like all foot items on fox, it also looks cute. :3
And now, it's time for . . THE NEW ITEM! :D

What Is Jamaaliday Bow Worth

Which is the mysterious cloak sold in the diamond shop! (Duh, don't you see the diamond symbol?)
But it would look REALLY good on my wolf . . (just my plain wolf)
It's sorta like a vampire cloak . . it should have been released on the Night Of The Phantoms.
Im just gonna check the DE cuz i haven't it a long while. :P
Uhm . . o.O
Lastly, here's the Jamaaliday Rescue Video! :D
I would post it here but i can't find it (THANKS BLOGGER =_=) so you'll have to click this link :3

Jolly Jamaalidays Bundle – Exclusive Armor, 3 Animals & More!

Animal Jam Jamaaliday Socks

Animal Jam and Play Wild have many seasonal events. These events only occur during a certain period, and will come back every year. Many Jammers look out to those seasonal events, since many in-game items become available during those periods. The Jamaalidays is one of the most popular seasonal events of both Animal Jam and Play Wild. It is the “Christmas” of the game. AJHQ periodically releases bundles as well. Players that purchase a new

Animal Jam Jamaaliday Socks

Animal Jam Black Jamaaliday Socks

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Animal Jam Jamaaliday Rescue