Animal Jam 2020 Leap Year Party


To everyone else, my den is still open (and will be forever) if you want to visit it. I'll probably never log on after 29th (Leap Day, my favorite day of the year). Goodbye everyone, it was such a fun time with you all and hopefully we'll see eachother in the future somewhere else!! January 20, 2020 Category: Rare Item Monday It’s time for another Rare Item Monday and we think it’s the tops! Check out the crazy and unique Rare Tin Foil Antlers in Animal Jam and then head over to Play Wild for the Rare Snowflake Crown. This blog is dedicated to all the Jammers who play Animal Jam. Anyone who reads this blog will be part of the Blog Council; you may answer anybody's questions, suggest any Animal Jam-related thing(s) you would like for the future of the blog, and discuss anything you would like.

Today is the Leap Year, and a new party came yesterday!
It's going on almost all the time so you will hopefully not miss it:

Animal Jam 2020 Leap Year Party Games

This is absoulutely my favourite party this far and it's located in a redecorated
Treehouse den whit a ssupercool slide!
There are lot's of things to buy to, both
clothes and furniture. As you see on the picture of the slide,
I have a new look. The Top hat and wings was bought on the
party. All the Leap Year Party items is vey cool and will
probably become very rare in some months.
In the party, there is lots of frogs and mushrooms to.
Here is some random pics from the party.
Cool shop!
Julius Ceasar invented the Leap Year? I didn't know that!
/SuperhjiloHey Jammers! The event I've been waiting 3 years for is finally here! The Leap Year Party is back!!! This party is said to be filled with rare items (according to AJHQ and the last Leap Year Party). Let's see these items! First off are the den items:

We have the Frog TV, Giant Frog Plushie, Frog Chair, Frog Lamp, Frog Wall Art, and Nesting Frogs. I especially like the frog plushie; it's so cute!
In the clothing items, we have several interesting items.
There is the Fluffy Fox Head, Happy Cat Hat, Striped Epic Antlers, Striped Candle Hat, Wild Winter Hat, and Zany Hat.
So, the items weren't as rare as people expected. I have a feeling that AJHQ has a trick up their sleeve though, like they might replace all the items with rare items last minute. I do like the den though, it's a tree house den with a leaf slide and it's decorated really nicely.

Animal Jam 2020 Leap Year Party 2017

I like photo filters, can you tell? XD Anyway, the Leap Year Party is a great place to hang out with friends, even if the items are a bit disappointing. The items will become rare eventually after this party is gone, just like any items that leave stores become rare. I recommend that you stock up on items from the party because you won't be able to buy them again until the next leap year (or maybe never), and help non-members to do so by trading them the member items.

Animal Jam 2020 Leap Year Party Ideas

Happy Leap Day!

Leap Year Party Ideas