Animal Jam Quotes


It's Dreams Here!

1279 quotes have been tagged as animals: Groucho Marx: ‘Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.’, Charles M. Winnie the Pooh quotes: “You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” 'I am a bear of very little brain, and long words bother me.'

Some quotes are pretty Funny.
And these are from the book Chicken Smoothie for the Kid's Soul
Quote No. 1:
When you're confused, sit down and think it through.
Never ,ever, ever give up on yourself.
Quote No. 2:
When there's nothing in the refrigerator, don't eat dog food.

When your dad or mom slams the door when they come home from work, it's best to stay out of their way. If You don't care what grades you get and do badly in school, main words in your vocabulary will be 'Do you want fries with that?'
Quote No. 4:
Never ask your dad to help you with a math problem.
If you have a problem or secret, share it with your mom
Quote No. 5:
Check if there is toilet paper before you sit down.
Don't make a bad impression on your neighbor when you first moved in.

When My parents are talking, not to interrupt but wait until later.

Read the book before you go in front and give a report.

When Your mom is mad, Hide the stuff that you don't want to be thrown away.
Quote No. 9:
When You tell a lie, you have to keep telling a lie.
When your parents are Divorced, you have to move on.
And last but not least!
Quote No. 10:
When You take off your sweatshirt, Your Shirt comes up.

Animal Jam Play Wild

Later I'll post even more Quotes! 'cause this is all I could type for now :